Thursday, April 17, 2008

Amazing ways to solve our global warming problem

Haaayyys.... My life as a student in Taiwan revolves around the lab and my favorite pastime (and probably the only one I can fit in my busy schedule is reading articles on the web).....

I read this article in Cebu pacific’s Smile magazine may/april 2008 issue written by Tim Tayag. Its 5 simple ways to help stop global warming!!!!!

1.Shave your head
2.Do everything in the shower
3.Hold your breath
4.When buying DVD’s get the disk that offers 8-in-1

5. Fly more

Yep…they are exactly the tips he gave so we can help save our planet. here is the article and the link of the E-magazine. (its on page 143)

Hehehe! Indeed they are radical, desperate and a little bit disgusting.

Imagine, shaving your head. Well, according to this guy, many famous personalities have done it so why not do it also to save shampoo and other chemicals that may harm our environment.

But there’s no harm in trying (LOL)….
Doing laundry while showering to save water...I can do that!!!

HOLDING MY BREATH so as not to contribute more carbon dioxide.....waaahh..hehehhe.. hmmmnn..I will try not to breath for 1, 2, 3...wait I'm sorry Mother Earth I'm not like the divers of Sulu, can't hold my breath that long...

Buy 8-in-1 DVD's?? I'm doing better than this tip coz I just copy files of movies from friends..(shhh!! I don't know where they got those clear copy of movies) but at least I don't have stacks of DVD's that will become garbage someday. ;)

Fly more because flying is actually cooling our planet....this definitely is costly but if Cebu Pacific keeps their P1 promo, I sure can help..

But anyways, cool suggestions from that guy and to add up to this crazy list, I suggest the following:

1. Wear skimpy clothes
The shorter the better so lesser detergent and water needed for washing. And it’s for everyone so don’t grin guys, coz you have to wear your trunks or short shorts also and definitely topless…hehehehe

2.Keep off the grass
Those little plants sure do help in consuming carbon dioxide so we take care of them and follow that very simple sign from now on. Even, those weeds, do take care of them and next time your grandfather asks you to remove them, you can have an excuse not to...

3. Use half a tissue than the usual
yep similar idea with "half-cup-rice advice".
Just use your resourcefulness and creativity when you are in the toilet to make that half tissue enough for.......hihihihi

Ei, maybe you have even more cool tips, feel free to comment and let’s make our amazing list to help save mother earth!!!!!


Anonymous said...

cynth, did you have an earth hour?? it was in the advertisement to turn off electricity for an hour to show your support for the laws to fight global warning.. but i dont think it was successful. :(( gi-unsa to ang upaw nimo??? photoshop??? nag-bikini ka ato cynth?? wala pakita ang ubos nimo nga get-up.. ahehehe

Anonymous said...

hehehe!! yep. bagay ba na no hair??? basta something skimpy sad ang gisuot,lote. ;)