Monday, April 21, 2008

My Weekend.. in New York, Wanhua....

A weekend here in Taiwan for me is usually only a Sunday but this week I had a longer one. Why??? Professor went to Taoyuan for a meeting so I had a free time on Saturday morning.
Anyways, I am a graduate student in the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and according to my professor a graduate student should stay in the lab from Monday to Saturday. Being a good student, I do stay in the lab always :( .

About my long weekend hmmmm…. I went to a lot of places, to NewYork2x, Zhongshan district, Wanhua computer market, to church and to Wellcome.

On Saturday morning, I went to NewYork!

Yep, I went to New York New York, a mall near Taipei 101. I just went to Toys r Us to buy Rubiks cube for my Ga and for myself too!!!

I also bought other things..hehehe..just a little shopping trip and a lot of window shopping because I've never been in that mall for a very long time already (as in almost a year already! ;)

And in the afternoon, I went back to the lab---back to working with Subcritical water.

On Sunday I went to Zhongshan, in the area I could call a Filipino community here in Taipei. Not because, many Filipinos live there but because the place overflows with Filipinos on Sundays to attend mass in St. Christopher’s, a catholic church. I went there to send some money for my family. And since the place also have shops which sells Filipino products, I bought some curly tops chocolates and others….

After, I went to the computer market. Wan Hua computer market is really a busy place with more than 100 computer shops next to each other. I went there to buy the Canon battery for my brother. And I also bought a 2Gb micro-SD memory card for my cellphone and this cute adaptor for the card.

Hehehehe, with the USB adaptor I could use the memory card as a USB flash drive.

Then, I went to Grace Baptist church.

Before I went home to the dorm. I went to Wellcome, a mini grocery store here in Taiwan. I bought 2L of coke to help me get through tonight because I had to finish my paper but like most people, I tend to welcome, interruptions like making this blog entry when I 'm already too busy ;)…..

I bought a bottle of 2-L coke for 39NT (PhP54) and I planned to buy some fruits but yep, just planned. :(

The fruits there are so expensive!!!
Extremely expensive like 3 pieces of bananas cost 50NT and
4 pieces of small green mango which are like the "manggang bisaya" in my place in the Philippines cost FIFTY NINE TAIWAN DOLLAR.
That is really expensive because that kind of mango will cost only PhP1 (0.722NT) each in my place!!!!!
Waaahhh!! Fruits here in Taiwan are a bit expensive but for these fruits, its way to expensive!!!! They don’t even look delicious (hehehe, just sourgraping because I could not buy those fruit..)


Got to stop typing for this I have said, I am busy and I should be busy..hehehehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

saya pala weekend ng ga ko... basta ingat ka dapat lagi... miss u