Friday, April 11, 2008


I guess, many can relate to the happiness "FRIDAYS" brings, but not to those who need to hurdle on the next day.

Today has been a busy one. I did a lot of works and most were rushed!!! I guess, it's normal to be like that in the office - - you have to do this, do that, call this, change that, etc. Yet, thanks to the nice lunch (hmm... munggo + fried tilapia), it rejuvinates the mind from stress..

And I miss my ga,

However, I am kinda feel naye to "MONDAYS". I dont know but it feels like a start of a long journey, feeling like tired even in fact you haven't started your office day yet. So what I always do is I eat something for breakfast first like Yaki + juice, then check e-mails (good or bad, hehe), see the calendar, surfing some sites, before I can really realize that it's a new day again!

Nonetheless, working is quite fun! You always learn new things (not much, but pretty enough), you gotta earn money (the best, hehe), you can be updated what's happening around you (thru' surfing, thanks God it is not prohibited in my good office, hehe), and more (hard to think now, it's going home now)....

ANyway, I hope I can really have a nice weekend, since I'm planning to have a fiesta in our barangay (sigh, no Ga beside me during the travel)....

Have a nice weekend folks and goodluck to me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate.. I love FRIDAYS and i HATE MONDAYS... sino ba si ga?? cynthia KO??? ahehehehe..