Yesterday, I went to the National Taiwan University to do my experiments on Kjeldahl analysis of protein. The building I went to is one of the oldest buildings in that University.
When I went there, it was still very early and I was alone in the lab.
(hihihi! before 10am is still early for students here in Taiwan who sleeps so late and wakes up so late)
After setting up my samples in the digestion apparatus, I went to a corner and took a seat. There was an old radio and I just turned it on. Since I was just a visitor there, I did not change the dial even though the music played was a classical type which gives you goosebumps.
It was a little eery being alone in that lab with that classical music on that gloomy day.
This is the place I went to and this is exactly the background music in the lab.
(hihihi, please increase the volume of your speaker to hear the background music because I just recorded the audio with my cellphone)
wheeewww! ...... A little scary but I had no choice so I busied myself reading articles on protein and polysaccharide interactions.
I read about the electrostatic interaction of these two macromolecules (hihhihi! just want to convince you that I was seriously studying at that moment ;)
I was not facing the door and my mind was wandering on proteins and carrageenans
when suddenly someone at my back just said "Ni shei..." My heart almost dropped because I did not hear someone entering the lab and suddeny he was very near me.
WAaaahhh, I turned and face him and waaahhh it was actually the professor of that lab!
good thing I did not shout..hehehhehe...
but after the incident, I realized,
Was he also afraid why someone in dark brown garb (yep that's the color of my jacket) and with long black hair is in his lab at that moment??
Was he a little scared that's why he walked cautiously towards me.
and my friend told me..when he said "Ni shei.." probably he wanted to ask me "You are???"
hehehee, we've already met so he knows me already...
waaahhhh..mag-aapela sa barangay!
Please don't get me wrong, I am definitely not scary there!!!!!
see my pic!!.....wait...please no offense to NTU pips.
I am so grateful to the Professor and the people in that lab for allowing me to do my experiments using their glasswares and apparatus.
Friday, April 25, 2008
que Horror
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My 15-NT Laundry

so come now...hihihi..let's wash our clothes here in my dorm!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Kalayaan Escapade
Yesterday, Iwas busy thinking what should I post again in this blog. My ga had her weekend story and I somehow am not on the agility to write (besides, I am still having my way out of my virus, hehehe, flu virus).
First thing in my destination is "Wawa", where fishermen has their concrete rip-rap aisle goin' to the
Monday, April 21, 2008
My Weekend.. in New York, Wanhua....
A weekend here in Taiwan for me is usually only a Sunday but this week I had a longer one. Why??? Professor went to Taoyuan for a meeting so I had a free time on Saturday morning.
Anyways, I am a graduate student in the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and according to my professor a graduate student should stay in the lab from Monday to Saturday. Being a good student, I do stay in the lab always :( .
About my long weekend hmmmm…. I went to a lot of places, to NewYork2x, Zhongshan district, Wanhua computer market, to church and to Wellcome.On Saturday morning, I went to NewYork!
Yep, I went to New York New York, a mall near Taipei 101. I just went to Toys r Us to buy Rubiks cube for my Ga and for myself too!!!
I also bought other things..hehehe..just a little shopping trip and a lot of window shopping because I've never been in that mall for a very long time already (as in almost a year already! ;)
And in the afternoon, I went back to the lab---back to working with Subcritical water.
On Sunday I went to Zhongshan, in the area I could call a Filipino community here in Taipei. Not because, many Filipinos live there but because the place overflows with Filipinos on Sundays to attend mass in St. Christopher’s, a catholic church. I went there to send some money for my family. And since the place also have shops which sells Filipino products, I bought some curly tops chocolates and others….
After, I went to the computer market. Wan Hua computer market is really a busy place with more than 100 computer shops next to each other. I went there to buy the Canon battery for my brother. And I also bought a 2Gb micro-SD memory card for my cellphone and this cute adaptor for the card.
Hehehehe, with the USB adaptor I could use the memory card as a USB flash drive.
Then, I went to Grace Baptist church.
Before I went home to the dorm. I went to Wellcome, a mini grocery store here in Taiwan. I bought 2L of coke to help me get through tonight because I had to finish my paper but like most people, I tend to welcome, interruptions like making this blog entry when I 'm already too busy ;)…..

I bought a bottle of 2-L coke for 39NT (PhP54) and I planned to buy some fruits but yep, just planned. :(
The fruits there are so expensive!!!
Waaahhh!! Fruits here in Taiwan are a bit expensive but for these fruits, its way to expensive!!!! They don’t even look delicious (hehehe, just sourgraping because I could not buy those fruit..)
Got to stop typing for this I have said, I am busy and I should be busy..hehehehe.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Arayat & Cacti, Sick Friday
Dear Blog,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Amazing ways to solve our global warming problem
I read this article in Cebu pacific’s Smile magazine may/april 2008 issue written by Tim Tayag. Its 5 simple ways to help stop global warming!!!!!
1.Shave your head
2.Do everything in the shower
3.Hold your breath
4.When buying DVD’s get the disk that offers 8-in-1
5. Fly more
Yep…they are exactly the tips he gave so we can help save our planet. here is the article and the link of the E-magazine. (its on page 143)

Hehehe! Indeed they are radical, desperate and a little bit disgusting.

Imagine, shaving your head. Well, according to this guy, many famous personalities have done it so why not do it also to save shampoo and other chemicals that may harm our environment.
But there’s no harm in trying (LOL)….

HOLDING MY BREATH so as not to contribute more carbon dioxide.....waaahh..hehehhe.. hmmmnn..I will try not to breath for 1, 2, 3...wait I'm sorry Mother Earth I'm not like the divers of Sulu, can't hold my breath that long...
Buy 8-in-1 DVD's?? I'm doing better than this tip coz I just copy files of movies from friends..(shhh!! I don't know where they got those clear copy of movies) but at least I don't have stacks of DVD's that will become garbage someday. ;)
Fly more because flying is actually cooling our planet....this definitely is costly but if Cebu Pacific keeps their P1 promo, I sure can help..
But anyways, cool suggestions from that guy and to add up to this crazy list, I suggest the following:
1. Wear skimpy clothes
The shorter the better so lesser detergent and water needed for washing. And it’s for everyone so don’t grin guys, coz you have to wear your trunks or short shorts also and definitely topless…hehehehe
2.Keep off the grass
Those little plants sure do help in consuming carbon dioxide so we take care of them and follow that very simple sign from now on. Even, those weeds, do take care of them and next time your grandfather asks you to remove them, you can have an excuse not to...
3. Use half a tissue than the usual
yep similar idea with "half-cup-rice advice".
Just use your resourcefulness and creativity when you are in the toilet to make that half tissue enough for.......hihihihi
Ei, maybe you have even more cool tips, feel free to comment and let’s make our amazing list to help save mother earth!!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Aid for the Summer
sleep like a baby...
I am so sleepy… It’s so late already but I told my Ga that I would make one entry today and I will!!!!!! (hehehe! Because I am already “strike one” today..or simply pasaway according to him)
Hmmnn..yep, I am sleepy and I really want to sleep like a baby.
Most mothers say babies only sleep for 1-2hrs and wake up again to be fed. Babies have shorter sleep cycle than their parents. Yet, many of us really wants to sleep like a baby....
Why??? Hehehe! Just look again…
WAIT!!! please don’t fall asleep with this entry.
I just want to share my fascination with pictures of babies sleeping and I really hope you could also feel what I feel everytime I look at them........ (feel sleepy?? Nope! But maybe.)
But really, everytime I look at a picture of a baby sleeping I get so inspired and I feel some calmness inside. By just watching the faces of these babies who are so innocent and so trusting, you couldn’t help but believe that the world could be a happy and safe place.
Indeed, for babies who depend on their parents to take care of them, the world is a very beautiful place.
We should not forget that we live in the same place with these babies.
If only we could love like the babies' pure love for the people around them. If we could trust as much as the babies do. Or even just share a simple smile to everyone like the babies always do. Our world will be a much better place.
Hmmmm.................................. :)
But now, I really want to sleep and I sure hope
I can sleep like a baby without any worries in the world. I hope I can sleep without thinking of the paper I have to write, without thinking of the experiments I have to do tomorrow and most of all without thinking of my Professor who always checks on us in the lab all day long…But maybe I can! I just have to take a look again at the pictures of sleeping babies and believe.
And look at Baby Kyle’s picture…
Yep, he is Kyle Anton Lachica Fabian, my nephew, the son of my brother Edgar. I am a proud auntie now of a healthy baby boy!!!!Now I’m sure I could sleep coz Baby Kyle helps me to believe again…
.......and I could really sleep because I just finished an entry as I have promised my Ga. ;)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tayabo Fiesta
Okay, I'll post again next time. I hope you had a great time reading this.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I guess, many can relate to the happiness "FRIDAYS" brings, but not to those who need to hurdle on the next day.
Today has been a busy one. I did a lot of works and most were rushed!!! I guess, it's normal to be like that in the office - - you have to do this, do that, call this, change that, etc. Yet, thanks to the nice lunch (hmm... munggo + fried tilapia), it rejuvinates the mind from stress..
And I miss my ga,
However, I am kinda feel naye to "MONDAYS". I dont know but it feels like a start of a long journey, feeling like tired even in fact you haven't started your office day yet. So what I always do is I eat something for breakfast first like Yaki + juice, then check e-mails (good or bad, hehe), see the calendar, surfing some sites, before I can really realize that it's a new day again!
Nonetheless, working is quite fun! You always learn new things (not much, but pretty enough), you gotta earn money (the best, hehe), you can be updated what's happening around you (thru' surfing, thanks God it is not prohibited in my good office, hehe), and more (hard to think now, it's going home now)....
ANyway, I hope I can really have a nice weekend, since I'm planning to have a fiesta in our barangay (sigh, no Ga beside me during the travel)....
Have a nice weekend folks and goodluck to me!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
With your love light
Everywhere it’s bright
Everthing’s a lovely sight
Everytime I have the might
And Always, I feel alright…
We may be familiar with the sunlight and the moonlight. Every morning we bask in the radiance of the sun, the unlimited energy that makes life possible in earth. At night we wait for the glow of the moon that’s just so romantic and mystical.
Love light is another powerful light that can give us energy in a romantic and mystical way. It does not come only in the morning like the sunlight nor only at nighttime like the moonlight but it’s everywhere all the time.
It shines when a mother hugs her child. It radiates when friends share laughters. It emanates when true lovers look at each others eyes.
It is in our hearts, in our loved ones hearts.
It inspires, strengthens, makes us smile and
most of all, basking in the radiance of the love light
Weary and tired, afraid to fight
But when you hold me tight
All things just seems so right
I glow again with your love light
-cynthia, February 2008 1:43AM
If You're The One (Not)
Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I'll never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms?
on this day:
in 1614 Indian princess Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe
in 1975 Top Of The Charts On This Day: “Lovin’ You” by Minnie Riperton
in 2007 our day...
"Lovin' you, has made my life so beautiful
And every day of my life is filled with lovin' you"