Sunday, May 4, 2008

birth of my guppies

Its been a long time since I posted an entry..welll..hihihi..
got to have some reasons so I can fool myself and of course you that I’m not that lazy.hmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnn...
The reason???? because I had a hard time editing my videos of the fish giving birth and upto now my videos are not that clear, just use your imagination..hehehehehe

Anyways, my fishes gave birth again!!! My 2 female guppies are so fertile….hehehehe.

Some juicy details about these guppies:

  • Once the female guppies come in contact with male guppies, they can become pregnant.Hehehe! That's how probably our grandparents think of us, guppies who can become pregnant by the mere presence of male guppies, so they really react right away if you go out on a date without a chaperon.
  • A 3:1 ratio with guppies– 3 females to every 1 male is advisable because the males will constantly chase around the female guppies. (the male guppies are so sexually active so gotta give the female some rest)
  • If the male guppies are active, the females also are!! A few hours after giving birth, the female guppy is ready for conception again. As in ready to entertain the male guppies!!!!!! And if the male does not wish to mate soon after the female has given birth, the female can use stored sperm from the last mating. hihihihi!!! even self-sufficient!
  • Guppies are live-bearers, which means that they do not lay eggs– the babies simply pop out.

see my videos!!!

But what's sad about these guppies, they don't have the instinct to take care of their babies.

Worse, both the male and female guppies will eat their babies that’s why the pregnant female guppy should be placed into a breeder compartment so the babies can drop down below to avoid being eaten.

Yep, I have a breeder compartment I borrowed from my labmate, John.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cynth, will check the video when i'm in the internet cafe.. banned sa office.. grrr.. killjoy kaayo.. aheheh. cge na lang.. at least ang mga videos ra and not my beloved blogspot. weeee